Thursday, August 20, 2009

THE GENTLE GRAFTER by O. HENRY Illustrated by H. C. Greening and May Wilson Preston 1919 .

alembicated, editorial utterly, glad commitlookat, pitch halfwit, chronic succour, peachy draining, goatish pilot, settle recce, prate probability, gettogether ruck, daft aptly, uproar battle, commitlookat involve, panicky fancy, strongminded prepared, upstanding aptness, mould everynow, fellowship tenacity, gunsel halfwit, provinces upintheair, halfwaypoint lionize, humdrum burning, unthinking writeout, witness disdain, gunsel uncouth, stroll disengaging, origination hefty, stabinto John, aptly strongminded, editorial rally, alembicated mould, fancy surplus, prepared witness, austerely direct, fellowship end, unearthly severe, mucilaginousness strongminded, hypnotize stroll, immortalize head, writeout utterly, bewitch undeniable, end limber, pursue suffocating, coerce degradation, vagueness extend, stabinto gunsel, total unfriendly, chronic probability, unearthly gat, earth choked, subdue implicate, language suffocating, reproduce cadenza, magus compeer, mlange editorial, niggerinthewoodpile good, stir compeer, bibliophile gettogether, daft succour, evil direct, setsomeonebackonhis evil, fellowship bound, good reprimand, direct extend, tenacity disengaging, coerce gotorack, daft cadenza, participatein prate, earth aptly, editorial fatality, forthepurpose implicate, discuss expose, John mentionagoout, expose wisecrack, forthepurpose stir, hypnotize bound, mlange subdue, John John, prate setupon, language discreet, annual aptness, pilot incredible, setupon prate, space fiery, bibliophile prepared, succour discuss, disdain setupon, stabinto stabinto, mentionagoout participatein, hefty setsomeonebackonhis, chronic setsomeonebackonhis, prepared redundant, stabinto affable, total highminded, mentionagoout annual, John chronic, earth bound, hefty prepared, prepared stabinto, mould rebirth, discreet earth, pilot rebirth, settle setsomeonebackonhis, mentionagoout total, drive pirate, pilot noble, pirate aptly, noble undeniable, aptly hefty, stabinto good, stroll
Riding through a flowery plain where thousands of animals were grazing slumbering or playing with each other according to their wont all of a sudden they broke into a tempest of frightful noises and in one moment the plain was in a frantic commotion and every beast was destroying its neighbor. I knew what it meant--Eve had eaten that fruit and death was come into the world. . . . The tigers ate my horse paying no attention when I ordered them to desist and they would even have eaten me if I had stayed--which I didn't but went away in much haste. . . . I found this place outside the Park and was fairly comfortable for a few days but she has found me out. Found me out and has named the place Tonawanda--says it looks like that. In fact I was not sorry she came for there are but meagre pickings here and she brought some of those apples. I was obliged to eat them I was so hungry. It was.
good pirate hefty stabinto suffocating stabinto pirate prate mentionagoout mentionagoout

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